United Way of the Greater Capital Region (UWGCR) offers a variety of networks for you to get involved with to connect with your community and help build a stronger, more resilient Captial Region. From college students and young professionals to retirees and everyone in between., these groups offer a space for everyone to unite and have their voice amplified.
Ready to Make an Impact?
There are many ways for you to start making an impact in the Capital Region. Join a donor network below, make a one-time or recurring donation to help us continue our work in the community, or see the other ways you can give back.
Women United is a group of energetic, passionate, and philanthropic women empowered by UWGCR to make a true impact in our community. The members mobilize change by investing in, advocating for, and creating programs with a mission to drive equity and excellence for all women and children.
Emerging Leaders UNITED (ELU) is a diverse group of engaged young professionals committed to improving communities across the Capital Region through volunteerism and service initiatives. Powered by UWGCR, ELU brings together service-oriented young professionals to become leaders of lasting social change.
Tocqueville Society
United Way's Tocqueville Society is a committed group of individuals and families who contribute $10,000 or more annually to UWGCR. This generous group inspires others to lead with a philanthropic mindset and makes a measurable and sustainable impact to help the Greater Capital Region thrive.
Named after French political philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville, Tocqueville Society members embody one of the elements of society he admired most: the spirit of neighbor helping neighbor. As key stakeholders in the mission of UWGCR, the dedication of Tocqueville Society members drives lasting change and equal opportunities for all people.
Tocqueville Society Members
Wallace and Jane Altes
Bob Belber
Robert M. Curley*
Robert and Susanne Doyle
Alan P. Goldberg
Neil and Jane* Golub
Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson and Dr. Morris A. Washington
Kevyn Aucoin Memorial Trust
Andy Marsh
Morris and Esther Massry*
Norman and Micki Massry
John J. Nigro
Brian and Beth O’Grady
Rick & Diana Ostroff
Percy Waller Foundation
Stewart’s/Dake Family
Roberta and William T. Winsman Sr.
*in memorium of
Leadership Society
UWGCR’s Leadership Society is a cohort of our region’s most dedicated philanthropic trailblazers who give $1,000 or more annually and are a driving force for positive, lasting change in the Capital Region. Leadership donors are individuals and families passionate about changing lives, committed to creating action and dedicated to bringing together expertise and resources that get results. They take on our region's biggest challenges and recognize that it takes a commitment of resources to provide our neighbors with the help they need to improve their overall well-being.
The over 300 individuals and families currently part of United Way of the Greater Capital Region’s Leadership and Tocqueville Societies have invested over $2 million in our community in the last five years alone, demonstrating the measurable impact of neighbors helping neighbors.
Thank you to our Leadership Givers for their generous support and commitment to our community
Bryan Abihider
Yanelis Acosta Minaya
Stephen A. Adams
Donald D. Adams
Mark Agres
Alan D. Alexander
Christopher R. Almy
Andrew Anisfeld
John Ashcroft
Richard J. Asner
Eugene M. Audi
Karla Austen
Scott W. Averill
Brian and Michele Aviles
Michael Ayers
Dyllan Badi
Douglas Baker
Rick L. Balboni
Thomas Gregory Bandy
Judith E. Barlow
Carmino N. Basile
Michael S. Bassett
Ira Baumgarten
Jacqualyn Bedrosian
Thomas Michael Begley
Walter and Wendy Berninger
Charles J. Bianco
W. George Biggar
Edward Bishop
William Bishop
Edward G. Bitner
Peter Bjelica
Charles Bohl
Mark Bourne
Mary Lynn Bradley
Curtis M. Breneman
Christopher Breslin
Scott E. Britton
Jennifer-Marie Jillson Brock
Michael Brodsky
Amy T. Broz
Joseph Burek
Christopher J. Burke
William S. Burnett, MD
Brittany Burnham
Steven Byington
Kathleen M. Cahalan
Nicole G. Cain
Christy A. Calicchia
Layana Campbell
George Candelet
Geoffrey James Cannon
Andrew M. Carey
Charles F. Carletta, Esq.
Brent Caron
Yahya Carr
Ryan and Jeanne Case
Douglas Chapman
Katharine Chapman
Joe H. Chow
Richard Christman
David E. Ciancio
Carol L. Cillis
Thomas A. Civill
Stephen M. Cleary, Esq.
Joseph and Sharon E. Coffey
Samuel Colborn
Adam Collier
David M. Considine
Craig and Molly Cook
Sharon A. Cooper
Fernando Corral
Bartley J. Costello, Esq.
Alexander A. Courtney, Jr.
James K. Coward
Laurie M. Cronin
Kevin Curran
Mark E. Dailey
David E. Dailey
Paul J. Daley
Stephen and Deborah D’Amico
Kathryn Dannemann
Richard Davidson Jr.
Anne M. Davis
David E. Delong
David S. DeMarco
Christopher Derkovitz
Anjali Deshmukh
Michael A. DeSocio
Michael J. Deuell
Terri M. Devizzio
Richard J. Dewey
James Diefendorf
James T. Dillon
Matthew and Katharine Doran
Evan J. Douglis
Dale Dowd
Matthew Downs
Anthony G. Duffy
Timothy Dumas
Mark Duncan
Stanley M. Dunn
Stephen Dupont
Mark N. Eagan
George A. Earle, III
Graig and Giovanna Eastin
Ivy M. Eckler
Chanaka Edirisinghe
Hugh Eisele
John R. Ellis, M.S. E.D.
Matthew J. Elmer
David L. Ernst
Jorge Escobar
Kirsten Estabrooks
David Fel Evans
Janis Fang
Evangelos Fanos
Phylis A. Federici
Teresa Ferguson
Brenda L. Fish
Peter J. Fish
Darren Fitch
Terrence Flannery
Shelley C. Florence
Patrick Forgea
Christopher Fox
Rebecca M. Frey
Eugenia Fuino
Christopher Gabriels
Katherine J. Gaffney
Peter and Lauren Gannon
Shekhar Garde
Robert Gardiner
Molly Garrett
Raymond L. George
Benjamin Gleeksman
Steven Goodspeed
Sharon Gosden
Richard J. Graham
Elijah Graham
James F. Grant
Lari L. Greenleaf
Worth A. Gretter
David Guinn
Michael J. Guzzo
Prabhat Hajela
Sarah A. Halliday
Tracy L. Hamel
Kristofor Hanchett
Allen W. Hargrave
Adam G. Heath
Eric and Karen Heathwaite
James and Lisa Heckman
Richard and Judith Heller
Brian Hendricks
Gary P. Hickey
John and Patricia Hinkle
Mark Hoffmann
Jeffrey Hoole and Nancy O’Donnell
Barbara Hough
Amy Hughey
Robert Hull
Hume Charitable Fund
Richie C. Hunter
Richard A. Ikasalo
Christopher J. Jewett
Melanie Johnson
Martin and Laura Johnson
Robert C. Juras
Ashwani Kumar Kapila
John P. Kearney
Edward A. Keefe
Robert H. Keefer
Deborah Kelley
Michael and Darlene Kelly
Todd M. Kerner, Esq.
Gene and Susanne Kimura
James F. Klahr, Jr.
Adam Klingbeil
Garth Kmieczak
John and Mary Kolb
Frank Koncewicz
Peter Konwerski
David Krupski
Steve Kunze
Eric P. LaCoppola
Tim Lahart
Diana LaJeunesse
Kevin Lanahan
Craig Lang
Anthony W. LaRosa
Susan LeBourdais
Edward J. Lehane
Jaroslaw R. Leszczynsky
Chris W. Letchford
Yachi Lin
Zachary Liney
Robert R. Little
Sheryl Littmann
Craig Lobo
William D. Louden
Phillip P. Macica
Quincy K. Mack
Carol Mackey
Craig Mahoney
Jim Malatras
Janine Mangione
Chuck and Barbara Manning
John Markowich
Andrew J. Marsh
Paul W. Martin
Jeffrey and Francine Marzinsky
Richard and Vanessa Mason
William J. Mate
Pat Mattry
Jeanne P. Mau
Vicki A. Mazzie
Lisa A. McCabe
Lee August McElroy
Kenneth P. McGivney
Donna D. McIntosh
Mark J. McMahon
Kathryn M. McNamara
Elizabeth A. Meyer
Matthew W. Mickle
Paul B. Middleton
Thomas R. Miller
Jeffrey G. Miner
John J. Minno
Gary and Marilyn Mittleman
Michael Modan
Bryan E. Moldt
Keith Moo-Young
Mario Moricone
Christopher Morreale
Kevin Morris
Milton Morris
Deondre Morris
Philip K. Mueller
Jeffrey Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mulligan
John F. Murray, Jr.
Mary-Ann Muth
Jason Naef
Annette Nanes
Nicholas Nelson
Emilie Nelson Chrapowitzky
Jon Neroni
Phillip A. Neville
Rosemary Newton
Janet Nguyen
Thinh Trung Nguyen
Dieu-Hoa T. Nguyen
Patrick O’Keeffe
Michael J. O’Rourke
Richard L. Peckham, AIA
James Peterson
Paul J. Phelan
Robert A. Pike
Michael J. Pishkula
Theresa Poitras
Michael Polmatier
Laura J. Poltynski
Francis J. Pomakoy, Jr.
Curtis and Renee Powell
Scott J. Powhida
Robert and Amy F. Pressly
Amy J. Pressly
Erick Rafferty
Brian J. Rancourt
Jude H. Reardon
Joseph P. Reardon
Cheryl Reeves
JT Reynolds
Jack Riley
John and Elaine Rinaldo
Ronald F. Roberts, Jr.
Eric Rondone
Kyle Rottger
Claude and Jean Rounds
Mary L. Rozak
Joseph Ruggiero
Sharon G. Salvi
Stephen L. Samuell
Ilya Sandler
Bradly L. Sargent
Daniel Sauer
Ellen Sax
Peter G. Scavullo
Amber Schiller
Frank and Wilma Schmeler
Keith Schmid
David Schmitz
Kerri E. Schulte
John C. Senkewich
Marbeth L. Serencsics
Christina M Serynek
Nancy B. Sever, Esq.
Andrew Philip Shapiro
Christopher Shattuck
Sanjay Shrestha
John Sica
Brett W. Siebert
Richard and Pam Siegel
Martin Silverman
Mary H. Simoni
William J. Sims
Darla Skiermont
Dr. and Mrs. Richard N. Smith
Lester J. Snyder
Matthew T. Snyder
Jay Spoor
Raymond W. Stalter Jr.
John Matthew Staugaitis
Eric P. Stevenson
Judith Strauss
Richard and Diana Straut
Michael Susco
Joseph Sutton
Chudney Sykes
Anthony Sylvester, Jr.
Boleslaw K. Szymanski
Leo Taylor
Cory Taylor
Melissa Terc
Eugene A. Terwilliger
Frank Thiel
Raahsan Thomas
William H. Tobin
Anders M. Tomson
Peter and Susan Toth
Patrick T. Underhill
Thomas L Van Etten
Daniel Vandeputte
David VanHoesen
Patrick Lamar Venable
Laurie L. Vianna
James Vielkind-Neun
John Vogel
Nancy Vranich
Diana Wall
Matthew Walters
Robert J. Ward
Christopher D. Weaver
Alan N. Wechsler
Robert E. Welch
Thomas Werner III
Jonathan David Wexler
Lara B. Whelan
Roger S. Wigent
Holly Wiles-Pemburn
Alexander Paul Wilke
Gregory R. Williams
Robert A. Williams
Melissa A. Wolf
Austin A. Woodward
Mark A. Woodward
Chiquita Wynder Phillips
Gary B. Zeigler, II
Matthew Zeilberger
Willow Zielenski