Jubilant Birth Albany

Pregnant People

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United Way of the Greater Capital Region's guaranteed income plus pilot to improve maternal and infant health. 

Jubilant Birth Albany (JBA) is a pilot program providing no-strings-attached cash to 28 pregnant individuals in Albany. Launched in November 2024 by United Way of the Greater Capital Region, this program aims to reduce financial stress and enhance birthing supports to improve maternal health and birth outcomes in Albany County.


Community Partners





March of Dimes

SUNY Albany

The Premise

Pregnancy is a critical developmental period with long-term health impacts for both mothers and children. Financial insecurity often worsens during pregnancy, contributing to chronic stress that can negatively affect maternal and infant health, including premature birth. Poverty also impacts an infants’ cognitive, emotional, and brain development with life-long effects.  

By providing a monthly cash gift, JBA reduces financial stress to improve maternal health, reduce preterm births, and accelerate brain development in infants. By providing participants with access to a doula and peri-natal supports, in addition to flexible no strings attached cash, JBA models a birthing support system that starts from the premise of deservedness of all.  

Illustrated Pregnant Black Women

Why It's Critical

Income inequality significantly contributes to racial disparities in birth outcomes. Low-income families often live paycheck to paycheck, making it difficult to save or cover unexpected expenses. Pregnancy compounds this financial strain due to the additional costs of having a child.

In Albany County, far more households struggle financially to make ends meet than the Federal Poverty Level suggests. To more accurately understand financial hardship, UWGCR uses the ALICE dignified standards of living framework provided by United for ALICE research. ALICE is an acronym  that stands for Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed, to better understand the gap between costs of living and earnings in a given county and zip code. According to the ALICE data, 62 percent of Black households, and 62 percent of Latino Households are ALICE as compared to 38 percent white households. 54 percent of households with children struggle to make ends meet and 75 percent of single female headed households qualify as ALICE. Despite being unable to afford a basic needs budget, most ALICE families are ineligible for public benefits whose income eligibility is tied to the federal poverty level.  

Albany County Health Indicators reflect these same patterns of financial disparity:  

  • Black women have higher rates of preterm births (12.2%) compared to white women (8.3%). Albany County Health Indicators

  • The infant mortality rate for Black babies in Albany County (14.6%) is nearly double the state average. 

  • Black babies also have a higher mortality rate than white (4.0%), Asian/Pacific Islander (2.1%), and Hispanic (8.6%) babies in Albany County. 

  • Black women are twice as likely as white women to have babies with low birth weight (12.2% vs. 6.1%). NY Department of Health

  • 13% of Black babies in Albany County are born prematurely, above the overall rate of 10%. Prematurity is a leading cause of infant mortality and can lead to lifelong health challenges. 

A part of the solution: A Financial Plus strategy to improve maternal and infant health: 

JBA builds on the evidence from the first US study, Baby’s First Years (2013) that examines how poverty reduction affects infants’ cognitive, emotional, and brain development. Similarly, JBA builds on the success of existing maternal infant direct cash transfers, such as The Bridge Project and California’s Pre-Term Birth Initiative.  

The evidence from existing research and direct cash programs emphasize that removing the stress of poverty allows families to invest more time and resources into their children’s development, benefiting both parents and children. Other pilot programs show that unconditional cash support enables families to make informed decisions, improving overall health and well-being. 

JBA operates on the belief that cash support combined with connection, guidance, and health accompaniment (such as access to doulas, health coaches, and more) can significantly benefit pregnant individuals, particularly those identifying as Black or people of color, as they navigate a healthcare system where disparities in treatment and outcomes are well-documented. 

In this one-year pilot, 28 women will receive $1,000 per month for 12 months.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • You must be at least 18 years of age
  • Between 20–28 weeks pregnant at the time of application
  • Live in Albany County, NY
  • Have a household income within the eligible range (See income eligibility chart below)

United Way is making this gift solely to help you, not to satisfy any duty of ours, and without expecting any consideration in return or any repayment 

Participation in JBA will not impact SNAP or HEAP benefits a participant may be receiving.  

If a participant is receiving additional public benefits, they will be provided with a benefits analysis to clarify how the cash payments may impact their existing benefits. 

In addition to the cash gift, participants will be offered a range of pre and postnatal support and birthing services provided by our community partners.  

Change the Story by Changing the Story-teller 

JBA seeks to elevate the wisdom and experiences of the birthing people involved and their families. These are stories of joy, heartbreak, perseverance, setbacks, dreams, and challenges. These are human stories. Too often, the stories of birthing women are mediated through the perspectives and assumptions of medical providers or those writing articles. Our goal is to let birthing people tell us in their own words about their own health and lives, and to amplify these stories in such a way as to guide needed positive changes in the social services sector. 

For this reason, participatory evaluation is key to the pilot’s success. We anticipate that the evaluation will accomplish three specific goals:

1) provide data for decisions that will enhance the modification, improvements, and possible scaling of the pilot in years to come;

2) determine the individual and aggregate success of program activities and aims; and

3) identify strategies to maintain long-term sustainability and expansion of the project.  

Participants will be the primary ‘authors’ of this initiative to ensure that lessons learned reflect the voices and experiences of mothers in this program. We anticipate that the insight, evidence, and learning gained through the pilot initiative will provide substantial guidance into the changes needed to positively influence poor birth and maternal health outcomes in Albany and beyond.  

Income Eligibility

To be eligible for Jubilant Birth Albany, you must have a household income within the eligible range. Depending on your household size, the range is different. The income eligibility for JBA is specifically aimed to support those who qualify as ALICE: Asset Limited Income Constrained, Employed. Please see the chart below: 




Leading the Way for Capital Region Mothers

At United Way, we know that every mother and birthing person deserves the opportunity to thrive. Through Jubilant Birth Albany, we are committed to supporting Capital Region mothers and birthing people who are part of the ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) community, ensuring they have access to essential resources during one of life’s most transformative journeys.

JBA is currently a one year pilot. Help us expand this program, in both numbers of participants, geographic reach, and duration, by donating here.

By supporting United Way

You’re helping to provide vital resources that empower mothers to overcome financial obstacles, access quality healthcare, and build a stable foundation for their families. Together, we are LEADING THE WAY for a brighter future where every mother can feel secure, supported, and celebrated. 

Join us in making a difference today.

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Thank You to our Key Supporters

JBA is made possible by a diverse coalition of financial sponsors, whose generous investments were critical to launching this pilot program in the community. For more information on how YOU can support JBA, please contact jubilantbirth@unitedwaygcr.org

The Carl E. Touhey Foundation

Highmark Blue Shield of Northeastern New York

Hudson Valley Credit Union

Albany County Executive Dan McCoy/Albany County American Rescue Plan (ARPA)


This project is being supported, in part, by SLFRP2108 - STATE AND LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY FUNDS (SLFRF) awarded to the County of Albany by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

Jubilant Birth Albany: In the News

March 8, 2024

UWGCR News  |  United Way GCR to Launch Application for Jubilant Birth Albany on International Women’s Day

Read Article

November 18, 2024

Times Union  |  United Way launches program to tackle maternal death rate in Albany County

Read Article

News Channel 13  |  Albany County pilot program aims to improve maternal health

Watch Story 

WRGB  |  Jubilant Birth Albany' launches to aid low-income pregnant women

Watch Story 

Spectrum News 1  |  Program that provides monthly checks to expecting moms launched in Albany County

Watch Story 

WAMC Radio  |  United Way launches "Jubilant Birth Albany"

Listen to Story


Thank you for your interest in Jubilant Birth Albany. By filling out this form, you are showing that you are interested and meet the requirements.

If you qualify, your submitted form will be part of a random drawing that happens every two weeks until 28 people are chosen. If chosen, you will be invited to a meeting to learn more. Then you can decide if you want to enroll.

If you are chosen by the lottery, you will be in Jubilant Birth Albany for 12 months. Here’s what you can expect: 

  1. You will get 12 payments of $1,000, one each month. You can use this money however you want–there are no rules. You can spend it on daily needs, baby care or anything else that feels right for you.
  2. We understand that a doula can be helpful for learning about pregnancy and getting support during and after the birth. For example, they can help with breastfeeding.
    • Everyone chosen for the program can work with a BirthNet community doula. 
    • This is optional and paid for by the program
    • This service is in English only.
  3. We know it is helpful to learn about pregnancy and to connect with peers.  You can join a virtual maternal health program led by CEK RN.  It is made to fit with what moms want and need. 
    • This is optional and free.
    • This service is in English only.


  1. Submitting an application does not mean you will be selected to enroll. If your name is selected by the lottery, we will contact you via the contact details you provide. 
  2. If selected, you will be invited to an enrollment interview with a program representative. At this time, you will be asked to complete an intake form to confirm your due date, household income, and residency.
  3. If you receive public benefits, before your enrollment interview, you will have an opportunity to discuss how the monthly $1,000 payments may affect your public benefits.
  4. At the enrollment interview, you will have the option to say yes or no to enrolling.
  5. At the end of the 12 months, you will be asked to fill out an exit survey about your experiences in the program, your health and that of your newborn child. During the program, you will be invited to participate in an interview or other ways to talk about how the program impacted your life. 

In order to fill out this application for Jubilant Birth Albany, you must meet all the below eligibility requirements:

  • Be 18 years old or older
  • Be between 20–28 weeks pregnant at the time of application  
  • Live in Albany County at the time of application


  • Meet the income eligibility criteria (Between minimum and maximum income in chart below)

Please do not fill out more than one application-- it will not increase your chances of being selected. Filling out this application does not guarantee you a spot in the program. 

You can reach out to JubilantBirth@unitedwaygcr.org with any questions.

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Gracias por su interés en Jubilant Birth Albany. A llenar este formulario usted demuestra su interés en participar y confirma que Usted cumple con los requisitos.  

Si Usted califica, el formulario que envíe será parte de un sorteo aleatorio que se realiza cada dos semanas hasta que se elijan 28 personas. Si es Usted elegida, se le invitará a una reunión para obtener más información y inscribirse.  

Si es Usted seleccionada, estará en el programa Jubilant Birth Albany durante 12 meses. Esto es lo que puedes esperar:  

  1. Recibirá 12 pagos de $1,000, uno cada mes. Puede usar este dinero como quieras, no hay reglas. Puede gastarlo en necesidades diarias, cuidado del bebé o cualquier otra cosa que se sienta bien para usted. 
  2. Entendemos que una doula puede ser útil para aprender sobre el embarazo y obtener apoyo durante y después del parto. Por ejemplo, pueden ayudar con la lactancia materna. 
    • Todas las personas elegidas para el programa pueden trabajar con una doula de la comunidad de BirthNet. 
    • Esto es opcional y pagado por el programa. 
    • Este servicio solo está disponible en inglés.
  3. Sabemos que es útil aprender sobre el embarazo y conectarse con sus compañeros.  Puedes unirse a un programa virtual de salud materna dirigido por CEK RN.  Está hecho para adaptarse a lo que las mamás quieren y necesitan 
    • Esto es opcional y gratuito. 
    • Este servicio solo está disponible en inglés.


  1. Al enviar una solicitud, no significa que Usted será seleccionada.  
  2. Si su nombre es seleccionado por la lotería, nos pondremos en contacto con usted a través de los datos de contacto que nos proporcione.      
  3. Se le invitará a una entrevista de inscripción con un representante del programa. En este momento, se le pedirá que complete un formulario de admisión para confirmar su fecha de parto, ingresos familiares y residencia. 
  4. Si recibe beneficios públicos, antes de su entrevista de inscripción, tendrá la oportunidad de analizar cómo los pagos mensuales de $1,000 pueden afectar sus beneficios públicos. 
  5.  Al final de los 12 meses, se le pedirá que realice una encuesta de salida sobre sus experiencias en el programa, su salud y la de su hijo recién nacido.  

Para completar esta solicitud para Jubilant Birth Albany, debe cumplir con todos los siguientes requisitos de elegibilidad:

  • Tener 18 años o más 
  • Tener entre 20 y 28 semanas de embarazo en el momento de la aplicación
  • Vivir en el condado de Albany en el momento de la solicitud 
  • Cumplir con los criterios de elegibilidad de ingresos (entre ingresos mínimos y máximos en la tabla a continuación)

Por favor, no llene más de una solicitud, ya que no aumentará sus posibilidades de ser seleccionado. Completar esta solicitud no le garantiza un lugar en el programa. 

Comuníquese con JubilantBirth@unitedwaygcr.org si tiene alguna pregunta.

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