The United Way Tocqueville Society is a committed group of individuals and families who contribute $10,000 or more annually to United Way of the Greater Capital Region. This generous group inspires others to lead with a philanthropic mindset and makes a measurable and sustainable impact to help the Greater Capital Region thrive.
Named after French political philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville, Tocqueville Society members embody one of the elements of society he admired most: the spirit of neighbor helping neighbor. As key stakeholders in the mission of United Way of the Greater Capital Region, the dedication of Tocqueville Society members drives lasting change and equal opportunities for all people.
Membership Benefits:
In addition to providing valuable insight to create meaningful solutions to our region’s most pressing problems, Tocqueville Society members enjoy the following:
Deep engagement with the work of UWGCR, experiencing firsthand the impact of one’s gift;
Networking opportunities with the Capital Region’s philanthropic, business and community leaders;
Invitations and priority access to United Way of the Greater Capital Region events, including those exclusive to Tocqueville Society;
Recognition of your support in UWGCR publications;
For more information on the Tocqueville Society, contact Nicki Pezzulo
Alexis Charles-Henri de Tocqueville
Only 26 years old, when he came to the United States and Canada in 1831, Alexis Charles-Henri de Tocqueville traveled extensively, recording his observations of life in the young nations. Though he only spent nine months in North America, he gleaned an insightful view of American society.
His observations, readings and discussions with eminent Americans formed the basis of Democracy in America, a detailed study of American society and politics published in two volumes, in 1835 and 1840. Tocqueville recognized, applauded, and immortalized North American voluntary action on behalf of the common good.
Eloquently capturing the essence of personal philanthropy that persists almost three centuries later, he wrote:
“I must say that I have seen Americans make a great deal of real sacrifices to the public welfare; and have noticed a hundred instances in which they hardly ever failed to lend a faithful support to one another,”
The observation on philanthropy made by Alexis de Tocqueville in 1831 is true today; North Americans understand that advancing the common good means creating opportunities for a better life for all. The name Tocqueville Society was chosen because of Alexis de Tocqueville’s admiration for the spirit of voluntary association and effort toward its advancement.
Tocqueville Society Members
Wallace and Jane Altes
Bob Belber
Robert M. Curley*
Robert and Susanne Doyle
Alan P. Goldberg
Neil and Jane* Golub
Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson and Dr. Morris A. Washington
Kevyn Aucoin Memorial Trust
Andy Marsh
Morris and Esther Massry*
Norman and Micki Massry
John J. Nigro
Brian and Beth O’Grady
Rick & Diana Ostroff
Percy Waller Foundation
Stewart’s/Dake Family
Roberta & William T. Winsman Sr.
*in memorium of