Lazarou Open

United Way lawn sign on the golf course with golfers in the background

20th Annual
Lazarou Open "Dolly Day" Golf Tournament

Join us on Dolly Day to support United Way of the Greater Capital Region & Montgomery County communities!

Start the day with us in the clubhouse at Amsterdam Municipal Golf Course. We will have raffle tickets for purchase and present the Costa Lazarou Athletic Scholarship winners. Lunch and beverage carts are provided on the course. Dinner is served after the last hole, with the presentation of golf awards and raffle winners. We invite you to participate, network, and enjoy a day of golf for a great cause.


Individuals & Foursome Registration (Coming soon)

Sponsorship Team Registration (Coming soon)


For questions or more information on how to become a sponsor

Contact Nicki Pezzulo at or Fred Quist at

Friday, August 8, 2025

10:30 AM Registration
12:00 PM Shotgun Start

Amsterdam Municipal Golf Course

158 Upper Van Dyke Ave
Amsterdam, NY 12010

Dress Code

Please wear proper golf attire, including collared shirts, no jeans.